This is the place between moments: the transitional point between worlds. Where we wait to move on, and pass through entryways into a larger universe. The doors are open, have always been open, and we have always been invited to cross the threshold.
Life is about beginnings and endings. Change is unavoidable. Each instant is a milestone, an important event. Each decision will influence the following one and open us to our future. The choices made with each action will change how the rest of our life will unfold, just as putting one foot in front of the other will influence the direction in which we will walk. There is a birth and death in every flicker of our lives. Each of these moments is fleeting, but also eternal and containing all time suspended in silence. The eternal is in the momentary, as light is in the air, transmutation is our angel and guiding star, a star that rises and sets with each beat of our heart.
The eternal is the ground of our existence, that ground swells up to meet our step, leading us through threshold after threshold. This is our covenant with the universe, this passing through doorways that open before us, each entrance leading home, closer to the spirit of the moment. Our true home being the shifting of that moment, our entryway the silence that opens before us, where we experience the wonder and the blessing of passage.
The text: Neither a body nor a thought can drop out of the universe, out of time and space. Not an atom of our flesh, not a quiver of our nerves, will go where they will cease to be, for there is no place where anything ceases to be. The brightness of a star extinguished millions of years ago still wanders in the ether where our eyes will perhaps behold it this very night still pursuing its endless road. It is the same with all that we see, as with all that we do not see. ~Maurice Maeterlinck